Culture and Value US History

A More Perfect Union

But these comparisons are idle. I want peace, and believe it can only be reached through union and war,

By Thure de Thulstrup Seige of Atlanta – T

Sherman wrote in September 1864, as he laid siege of Atlanta in the attempts to end the war of secession; otherwise known as the American Civil War.

Who would have surmised that in the weeks following the day dedicated to honoring fallen soldiers with wreaths placed at monuments, the country would be swept with a wave of their destruction? It’s painful as it is necessary. Painful because a monument is a way of honoring good deeds of leaders  and the memory of dearly beloved relatives and friends. Necessary because for others rocks shaped into monuments can be the terrible reminder of atrocities suffered by beloved relatives and friends.

As the Union army captured Atlanta Sherman sent a letter to its civic leaders recommending they evacuate their citizens. He intended to destroy its infrastructure in the effort to end the long and bloody war. The line of logic concludes: “war is war and you cannot refine it”. The city was destroyed but its inhabitants spared.

The American Civil War threatened the collapse of a young nation. Of greater interest today is that it ended slavery or at least delegitimized it. In the effort to reunite the nation monuments were made in many towns and cities across the country. It was as a way of grieving for lost sons, fathers and brothers –casualties that exceeded more than all other US wars combined. Building monuments became as it were a path towards reconciliation and forgiveness.

Recent events remind us we still have a long way to go by way of reconciliation and healing. Honest conversations about monuments are important.  Discussions are futile if not supported by real change eradicating  economic and social disparity due to systemic racism. Underlining both these questions is a deeper one: to what extent and in what ways do we as a people wish to preserve what we know as the United Sates of America?  

I know I had no hand in making this war, and I know I will make more sacrifices today than any of you to secure peace.,_et_al.,_September_12,_1864

Sherman continued in his letter to the citizens of Atlanta. He tried to show through deeds his desire to works towards peace and unity. Do I know how to do that? Am I willing to make sacrifices to do so?

Mathew Brady (1823–1896) – The Photography Book, Phaidon Press, London 1997

Sherman was convinced : “You cannot have peace and a division of our country. If the United States submits to a division now, it will not stop.”  Creating a more perfect union by way of  thoughtful engagement, compromise and consensus is not easy. But it’s necessary if we wish to continue to strengthen unity through diversity under the longest enduring constitution the world has known.  Yes, our country is imperfect. Yes, it’s easier to destroy than to create, demolish than to build, tear than to mend and kill than to heal. But what would be left to bind us a country?

Achieving the more perfect union the framers of the constitution, our forefathers and mothers envisioned compels me like Sherman to want to work towards building, creating, mending and healing. A commitment to liberty and justice for all is a war of a different sort that provides conditions for peace to endure.  That’s a war of independence worth fighting.

Art of Living Culture and Value

Navigating Life in Times of Pandemic

Photo by Boba Jovanovic on Unsplash

At the end of March New York Times reported: “COVID-19 is the largest public health crisis in modern American history. To date more than 17,000 cases have been detected and 200 people have died.” Four weeks later there are 1.5 million confirmed cases and close to 70,000 deaths in the United States alone. It’s the largest crisis our nation has faced in recent history.  It has dramatically changed our world and our lives will not be the same as before.

However, COVID-19 is neither the first pandemic nor the last. A hundred years ago another pandemic generated similar disruptions. Between 1918-1919 fifty-to-one-hundred million people died in a year and a half — 650,000 in the United States. ( Older adults with underlining health conditions are the majority of fatalities of our pandemic. But the majority of lives taken during the 1918-1919 influenza were those of otherwise healthy young adults. Many stricken, soldiers of WWI returning to the States contracted the flu while in Europe. They became sick rapidly while on board closed quarters of ships. Within hours of displaying symptoms, people’s conditions would worsen and they would die.

Camp Devens

While the epidemic reached every part of the country including remote Alaskan villages, Boston and several other U.S. port cities were hit especially hard. It’s not clear why healthy young adults were particularly prone to catching the disease and succumbing to death.  My grandparents were young adults at that time. They survived–or I wouldn’t be here today.  Unfortunately, the stories of how my predecessors persevered are now buried with them. Thus, I’ll have to conjecture based on snippets from historical research and generational storytelling.

Photo by Gabriele Strvinskaite on Unsplash

My great-grandfather Paul Thorndike was a surgeon at Boston City Hospital and an early advocate of meticulous hand washing and the disinfecting of surgical instruments prior to operations. As late as the beginning of the 20th century little was known about how germs spread. Presumably my great-grandfather had contact with people of Boston who had contracted the virus. Maybe he was even one of the specialists brought to Fort Devens 20 miles west of Boston to examine the young soldiers returning to the US with this deadly unknown virus. In any case there’s no record of him contracting the illness and he lived for another twenty years. His wife, my great grandmother Rachel, did not. A second wave of the virus surged in the fall of 1919. She was one of the several thousand who contracted it and died in October of that year. Her obituary omitted the cause of death; focusing rather on details of the funeral. David Brooks commenting on the PBS NewsHour in early March noted that the influenza of 1918-1919 was widespread and swift. People of all ages died within several days of showing symptoms. Families weren’t able to cope with how fast they were losing their loved ones and often they had to bury their own relatives. Brooks’ point was that people came up short either by lack of financial resources or by circumstances less blameless; the nation wanted to move quickly past the tragic state of affairs.

Paul and Rachel Thorndike’s youngest daughter, Anna, my grandmother, was in France volunteering with the Red Cross when her mother got sick and died. Since travel was still by ship in those days she didn’t return home in time for the burial.  A few years later, Nan met her future husband, John Rock, who graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1918. Earlier he had tried to enlist in the army to fight in the Great War but failed to qualify. Strangely, it appears from his journals he had little if anything to do with providing medical assistance during the pandemic. After graduating he began studies and work specializing in the fields that eventually shaped his long medical practice and research in gynecology and obstetrics including for the working poor of the tenement slums of Boston. Helen Allingham, my father’s mother migrated from New Brunswick, Canada and worked as a nurse’s aid. What were her stories? Facing death daily? Or perhaps caring for the sick in other hidden ways. Who knows? Her stories, like those of my maternal grandparents and their parents from those years, are also forgotten. As a child I remember that she would insist that hand washing, Cream of Wheat and cod liver oil were the best ways to boost the immune system. It never entered my ten year old brain to ask her why.

Two of my grandparents died before I was born or shortly thereafter. The other two were alive while I was writing high school and college essays on what makes for a meaningful life. But it never occurred to me to ask people around me who had lived full purposeful lives how they did so. Maybe that’s still true nowadays; it doesn’t occur to us to ask those who are older and presumably wiser how they faced challenges when they were our age. On the other hand, maybe a pandemic can actually wake us of out somnolence. We can think to ask questions that matter. What can I learn from my ancestors? Maybe I would ask Paul Thorndike and John Rock how and why they chose medicine and what helped them persist in finding solutions to dire human conditions. I would ask Rachel what was it like to care for her own parents when they died. I would ask my grandmother Nan about driving ambulances in post war France and my grandmother Helen about nursing with little training and resources during a pandemic. What can I do to transform knowledge into an art of living of one’s own shaping? How do my decisions and behavior impact the lives of the people around me? Do I care?

If there were ever a time to reflect on what it means to live an intentional, meaningful or caring life it would be now during a crisis that impacts everyone of us. First responders and health care works show us how to strengthen resilience and cultivate compassion. Data may determine public health policy and even best practice for preventing spread of a virus but it doesn’t show me how to care for people around me. Data doesn’t teach me how to be kind and merciful.   We may not be faced with such epic moments of life and death. But we all are faced with the challenge of going beyond the froth of a superficial living and navigating into the deep; the wind and waves of a live well lived. Choosing to do so will make all the difference.

Photo by Jordan Madrid on Upsplash
Culture and Value

A Winter Day in Monterey

hills of Monterey –

“The intervals between rains give the finest weather possible”

Memoirs of W.T. Sherman Volume I

So writes W. T. Sherman of his first stay in Monterey, California in February of 1847.  Recently I spent a few days close to the Carmel River just south of Monterey.  While gazing along the Carmel valley, river, mountains and sea I thought about how it could have been like for my grandfather Sherman mounted on horseback exploring these very same places.

As in Sherman’s time this year’s winter rains marked their recent visit with “bright green grass with endless flowers”.  While Sherman experienced something of a warmer tropical climate in Florida his growing years included winters in Ohio and later New York. Thus, a February of flowers and green fields remained vivid enough in his memory to write of it in detail years later in his memoirs.

Having grown up in New England I recall my initial disbelief of green hills and flowers typical in northern California in February after five days of precipitation. Similarly, I was shocked at the dryness and barren shrubbery of August. The hills of the ‘Golden State’ seemed highly over rated.  But now like rain water I store expansive vistas of green hills and flowers for the arid dusty days of summer. I’ve now come to think of the hills that have turned a dreary brown as golden.

Before reaching Carmel I drove past the artichoke fields of Castroville and Salinas Valley.  Then on through Seaside and Sand City the “pretty valley and sandy country covered by oak bushes and scrub” that Sherman writes of. Closer to the Monterey shoreline, dilapidated buildings of old Fort Ord, strip malls and parking lots have replaced oak bushes and scrub that Sherman once traversed with his horse.

However, once closer to Carmel the valley and river bird, fish and foul life resemble in kind if not in numbers what Sherman would have seen. Birds of all sorts were gathering for nesting, ducks and mallards were busy fishing for their breakfast, deer emerged from thickets  and walked by their intruder (that would be me) towards the river’s edge to quench their morning thirst.  A flock of geese flew overhead. “The Carmel is a lovely little river –John Steinbeck writes in Cannery Row—It isn’t very long but in its course it has everything a river should have.”

“It’s everything a river should be “

John Steinbeck Cannery Row Viking Press-Compass Book Edition, 1963

The river adroitly reflects the rainy and dry seasons of Carmel. Accordingly during rainy season it floods even violently and then subsides to what can seem a little more than a large stream as meanders through the valley and on to the Pacific a dozen miles or so  to the west. This time the river was burbling with excitement as if its fresh waters knew the course would soon end-or begin in a vast ocean on the horizon.

Carmel River and Lagoon, photography by H.McKay

Curious, I went with a friend to the Carmel River beach north of Point Lobos where the river shifts into a lagoon before flowing to the Pacific. When overtaken by high tide the seemingly small pool of water merges with the ocean. We learned that the hard way. We parked our car and enchanted with the afternoon sunlight and migratory birds in the lagoon we quickly walked over a sandbar to continue along the beach toward the southeast. However once the sun was setting we started heading back only to find that river waters of the lagoon and surf waters of the Pacific swallowed our little land bridge. Wading through the waters didn’t seem to be an option given the incrementally growing relentless surf of the Pacific.

The parking lot was within sight.  But access was not. Immediately surrounding us was beach, water and no clear way of returning to the car without a ten-mile hike.  Thankfully we encountered a local resident out for an evening stroll. She led us up the pathway from the otherwise isolated beach into adjacent streets and drove us along the coastal highway.  Following the north side of the river we past the legendary Carmel mission, a turn of last century ranch now a restaurant-resort and made a quick turn through quaint neighborhood streets.  With the sun setting over the Pacific, We reached the beach parking lot shortly before its closing.   

With Steinbeck’s and Sherman’s descriptions of Carmel river and valley in mind, the river’s final egress to the Pacific emphatically declared as it were of convergence of memories of time and place flowing back into the sea.

“ When the wind blows – the grass whistles and whispers in myths and riddles and not in our language–the sea is always the sea”

Mary Oliver The Oak Tree Loves Patience Collection Blue Horses, Penguin Books 2014

And so it is.

Carmel River and Beach at dusk
Culture and Value

Monterey, California 1847

Recently rereading volume one of the W.T. Sherman’s Memoirs, I discovered this past January 26, marked the 173rd anniversary of his arrival to Monterey California. By his own description he was a young army officer, hoping to gain fame and glory in the Mexican War. Instead he was sent to keep the peace in the main port of entry in Alta California recently transferred to U.S. possession. His first stay lasted just short of two years yet a pivotal time and watershed moment in California’s history—the discovery of gold. Sherman’s eyewitness accounts are descriptive and sometimes entertaining though not particularly insightful. Except for one observation—that the discovery of gold would forever change the landscape and history of California.

I live in the Bay Area and over the years I’ve visited Monterey, California several times. This coming February 8th marks the 200th year of WTS’ birth in Lancaster, Ohio. Since I’m not able to attend the upcoming festivities hosted by the Sherman House Museum and Fairfield County Historical Society, I commemorated the upcoming occasion by visiting the historic old town of Monterey imagining what it must have been like when a young army officer set off for adventures on the other side of the continent and lived there in the wake of times that shaped its own story.

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